does this mean? def get(self, *a, **kw)
This can be answered by a Phyton Book.
This seems to be so hard to decipher if you are not a programmer. The most
commonly used Phyton version is Phyton 2.7 and so clearly states that is the
most interestesting to learn. The most recent version is 3.2 which has so many
differences in syntax codes. A Phyton Book varies on its content. This book
covers the basics of numbers, variables and Booleans.
is variable? It is a value to a name when referenced where when declaring it in
Phyton, nametag is always on the left of the operator (=) and what’s on the
right is the value. According to a
Phyton Book these are for reserves that can’t be a variable name; and, as,
assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, exec, finally,
for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, not, or, pass, print, raise,
return, try, while, with, yield.
is Numbers. The intS and floats. Int is integer, a whole number like 4 or 8 while
float is a number decimal points like 2.0 and 8.4. Boolean is a type of data
that may have one or two values which could be True or False.
Book has the section for Strings, Loops and Iterables, Dictionaries, Control
Flow and Conditionals and so on. Why is book sectioning so important? By doing
so, any sequential instruction can be taught clearly if you can move on to the
next topic since you have fully understood what was discussed on the prior
pages. Like on the Strings section, it is understanding the sequence before you
go in-depth topics. You will also find a section where a Phyton Book allows you
to define your variable on how and where it will tell you.
the book, it also covers more general software discipline. So long that is so
easy to read you should not have any issue at all. The best way in learning
Phyton, other than using your Phyton
Book as a reference is to go in front of the computer and see how you can
apply those codes and variables written in the book. That’s the easiest way you
can tell whether you totally understand it. Until you apply what is in the
book, you never can tell that you have fully absorbed it especially if you are
just new in learning programming.
one time, a book that we used has a very impressive style in presenting
practical materials with numbers of links that can be used for more resources.
There is a book that wasn’t written for newbies in programming language but to
enhance the knowledge and understanding of the existing or practicing
programmers. The main core of it is the Phyton script language. The book
includes user friendly content that can be understood easily even they are for
existing programmers. It is suggested that after reading the basics of Phyton,
one must jump into reading and digging into a more in-depth Phyton Books that
has all the comprised complex processes. Some people start from libraries and
researches on the internet but it is also a practical way to hand a book while
researching and applying what you have read and learned. Better if you have
someone, a practitioner who is an active programmer or engineer who could also
share his best practices to where he started and what book can he recommend.
Good reference is to hang around good bookstores that sell programming books.